

This was a large-scale project to rewrite an outdated B2B website, aimed at the UK multiple retailers, food service providers and smaller independents, following some organisational changes and acquisition by an umbrella company, liaising with website designers Calm Digital. The website needed to incorporate the changes and become sleeker whilst retaining its traditional family ethos and history.


The website comprised the following pages: Home page/About page (with many layers including environmental, commercial, philanthropic, careers/Services page (with many branches) and Contact.

This was a large project so required careful mapping to ensure there was no direct repetition or overlapping.

Starting from a clear brand voice, it was important to identify the key messages to highlight namely the elements ofreliability, flexibility and industry expertise with traditional roots.

The Services section needed to effectively highlight the breadth of services available in a concise way. Many web pages included 3-part scrolling banners requiring careful selection of words to convey core benefits.

The website was optimised with keywords for increased visibility.


As a multi-faceted website with many layers, it was crucial it made sense in terms of user flow and ease of use without repetition.

The challenge was to balance the traditional, down-to-earth, ‘UK northern’ brand voice with sleeker, modern copy content and a clear concept whilst emphasising the traditional core values for which this brand is known. Balancing the framework of traditional family roots with the immediate benefits for B2B consumers ie retailers and smaller independents, was also challenging.