The Home Interiors Copywriter

Neutral home living space

Because dream homes deserve captivating copy…

Copywriting for interior designers & lifestyle brands

Your business is your passion and you want others to feel the same buzz of excitement that inspired you.
As a natural wordsmith, who is crazy about home interiors, with a thirst for interior design knowledge, I can make your products and services sound irresistible, build trust and spark emotional attachment.
Captivate your audience and clinch your sales with my SEO storytelling skills and compelling website copy.

Jane Eley Freelance  home interiors and interior design writer journalist and copywriter

What I do

*I write quality results-driven SEO-friendly blogs and client case studies and provide website copy, consultation and audit for home interior brands and interior designers.

Did you know?
SEO copy and content is the number one tool for driving traffic to your website outranking social media content and paid ads. With so many avenues to explore, it’s easy to forget the basics. Content is key.

* Highlighting your business, I craft engaging blogs that deep dive into how you began, your vision and inspiration, and what sets you apart. Bringing your brand to life with sight, sound, smell and touch that’s so enticing, I write persuasive copy that compels readers to find out more.
For optimum impact, combine these with strategic SEO blogs to highlight core products and services, establish authority and rank well.
Transform your image portfolio into enticing interior design case studies that evidence problem-solving, demonstrate professionalism and build trust.

*To guide the decision-making process, I construct clear engaging website copy that inspires action and provide copy consultation and audit to make your existing copy work harder.
A few strategic tweaks can seriously impact results.

Your website should evolve with you, stay relevant and generate sales.
Review and refresh often.

*I write press releases for publication on The Press Loft platform and feature articles for your contacts to publish.

*With regular attendance at home interior exhibitions and a passion bordering on obsession, I keep up-to-date with what’s trending and my finger firmly on the pulse. Benefit from my industry knowledge and genuine passion. Attending Clerkenwell, Decorex and KBB, I understand what’s trending. I know my ‘Peach Fuzz’ from my ‘Blue Nova’ and my ‘Carrara’ Marble from my ‘Calacatta Viola’. In short, I can align your products with current trends, brainstorm content ideas that relate and understand the defining details of the interior design world. My passion is infectious and it oozes from the page.

My clients

*Interior designers
*Home interior retailers
*Lifestyle brands
*Product Designers
*Home Stagers
*Material Suppliers
*Property Developers
*(Real) Estate Agents

What you’ll gain

*Professional content to increase authority and Google rankings.
*Visibility to build brand awareness and attract clients.
*Industry kudos and reputation to gain valuable trust.
*Greater engagement to build your audience.
*Documentary evidence to demonstrate professionalism and provide powerful social proof.
*Clear concise web copy to generate sales.
*Quality content that can be repurposed time and again for social posts, sales pitches & more.
*Strategy, content ideas and a plan of action to focus on the end goal.
*A reliable freelancer who delivers on time and takes pride in her work.
*Time to concentrate on your business knowing your copy is delivering RESULTS.

What My Clients Say

Words Matter.

Let them do the heavy lifting.

Sample Portfolio

Candle representing lifestyle brands
statement lighting