How I can help

Interiors Copywriting

Starting a new business, rebranding or expanding takes time, even without the relentless task of
‘getting your message out there’.
Before you know it you’re spending all of your time marketing with no clear plan and little copywriting know-how and it’s taking you away from the business you love.

Sound familiar?
Why not focus on your professional expertise and keep your energy high?

Forget a sprinkle of Grammarly, an AI refinement and a job-done approach. Get it right from the outset to maximise profit and minimise the risk of losing potential clients. It will save you money, time and stress and can portray an enhanced professional image from the get-go.

If you decide to hire a web designer, hire a copywriter first.
Remember copy first, web design second.
That way the website can be created around your message so the design doesn’t restrict your content and
Working with you or your web designer, I will collaborate to accommodate final copy tweaks for optimal cohesive design.

Already designed your website?
It’s never too late.
You might benefit from a consultation and audit.
Your blogs can be rewritten too, to maximise SEO, ranking and engagement.
Much like styling your home, your website should never remain static.
It’s a continuous process.

As your business evolves, so too should your website.
Outdated copy shows you’ve taken your eye off the ball and your clients are not your priority.
* Refresh your website.
* Update your offers.
*Advertise new services.
*Showcase written case studies.
*Add to your ever-expanding portfolio.

Explore my services below.

If you’re a member of the Press Loft platform, check out my super-value press release offer.

I’m friendly, easy to work with and excited to get to know you and your brand.

Content Services

Short SEO Blogs

Consistent blogs are essential for achieving engagement, authority and Google rankings. Bespoke SEO-friendly blogs, tailored to YOUR profession and aligned with YOUR services, build audience, drive traffic and position you as an industry expert. Benefit from my specialist knowledge in home interiors, and interior design to outsource your vital blogging essentials, starting from just £85 for 600 words. We’ll devise a plan of action, discuss topics and schedule content.

icon depicting SEO writing with pencil

Long SEO Blogs

The perfect opportunity to delve deep into your specialist subject adding context and value favoured by search engines. Starting at just over 1000 words, it’s crucial to keep them well-structured, easily digestible and interesting to read. Choose a tone consistent with YOUR brand, either educational, informative or entertaining. I’ll optimise it for search engines, conduct thorough research and include relevant external links for ranking authority. Let’s get that organic traffic flowing freely in your direction.

Business Blogs

Business blogs that talk about you are perfect for telling your stories and bringing your brand to life. Falling between 1200 and 2000 words, they are highly descriptive by nature. The spotlight can be turned directly on you, your products and services. A chance for clients to discover more about your inspiration and vision, philosophy and values and what sets you apart. Showcase design products and materials in greater detail or discuss sustainable credentials with pride. Watch clients fall in love with your brand. Blogs can be repurposed time and again as social posts or product descriptions, representing fantastic value for money.

Case Studies

Adding content to your portfolio of images will take your case studies to a whole new level. Context not only describes design dilemmas, they also showcases design-focused solutions that may attract potential clients. Providing a vivid narrative engages the reader, demonstrates professionalism and prompts action. As relatable human stories, they provide inspiration and personal insight to grow your audience and can generate sales by persuading clients to work with you. Why not use them in presentations when pitching to potential clients?

Press Releases

Looking for a Press Release to promote your new collection, launch your business or introduce seasonal products? I’m experienced in writing press releases to showcase your sales and services in one seductive snapshot. If you’re a member of the Press Loft platform, I can upload them too. Just one more tedious task ticked off your list! ✔️ Check out my limited time special offer from just £75.

To learn more about your brand, deliver insightful copy and extract key testimonials, I can conduct thorough research and interviews - with you, your designers and your clients.

Copywriting Services


Your website is so much more than a digital address. It should engage your target audience, guide the user journey and optimise sales. Whether it’s writing a captivating About Page, designing a 3-frame banner, or rewriting a website, I’ll make sure every word counts, including keywords for search engine visibility. Not sure exactly what’s needed or if it fits your budget? Jump on a call and discover what’s possible.

Promotional copy logo depicting brochure

Landing Page

In need of a landing page? These stand-alone pages can dramatically increase conversion rates and are perfect for lead generation. Designed to persuade the reader to take a specific action eg subscribing, signing up, purchasing a product, participating in a competition, or grabbing a free how-to guide, they are useful for acquiring critical data such as email addresses or profile demographics. Working in conjunction with a graphic designer or web designer, I will craft creative copy that prompts action.


Taking many forms for different markets, I can produce copy for Sales Brochures, Product Descriptions and more. I will tailor each to the specific medium and brand tone, navigating platform rules, with the same common aim of increasing engagement and sales.

Brand voice

I’ll communicate your brand voice and tone, clearly, consistently and uniquely to build trust, reputation and a solid identity YOUR customers will recognise. From the headlines to the call to action, it’s all about who you know.

pen logo brown and gold

Can’t see what you’re looking for? Just ask.

interior design bathroom
home interior office with chair
interior design showroom with design coffee table book