Landing page

This work was undertaken prior to specialising in home interiors

Spec Ad


To create a landing page for DoorDash, a US app for ordering takeaways.  Company objective: primarily to gain business partnerships from the smaller independent restaurant owners providing takeaway service, encouraging them to sign up. Secondary objective: rather than abandon the page, persuade the consumer to reach out to talk to experts if there are any questions.


To alleviate scepticism for new technology from the target audience cohort who typically rely on Facebook for advertising. Keep within specific dimensions 960 x 720 pixels (width x height).


There is a lot to convey in a short space, so brevity is key

Benefits are made clear ie emphasis of potential profit ‘up to 60%’ as a stand-alone subheading that grabs attention, along with ‘long for more income’ ‘online convenience is in demand’ ‘attracts new customers and keeps them returning’, ‘reaches a wide audience’, ‘without hours spent marketing’, ‘stress-free’, ‘we take care of delivery so you can focus on’…

The headline addresses the target audience to make it clear who it is aimed at ‘small business takeaways’.

Challenges are addressed by highlighting the simplicity of the process. ‘A simple way for small business’, ‘It’s easy to join’, ‘There’s absolutely no tech to learn’, ‘one-click away’, ‘one-stop take-out app’.

The secondary objective is emphasised ie ‘24/’7 advisors are on hand’ written in an easy-going friendly approachable tone to persuade customers to seek information rather than abandon the page and the language ties in with the brand voice (casual-Friday professional, simple, reassuring)

The call-to-action, situated right above the join now button, encompasses both the benefits and the simplicity and compels action with the use of the word click. ‘New customers, higher turnover are one click away’.

I collaborated with graphic designer: Sezvo-ndinemwi M'pfunya

Landing page competition

This work was undertaken prior to specialising in home interiors.

Spec Ad

Example of landing page copy for sample portfolio.  Client Cheetos


To create a landing page for Cheetos, a US snack company, to advertise their competition aimed at college (university) students. 
Company objective:  to obtain email addresses, build brand loyalty and gain further data by inviting contestants to share on Facebook.


Using Cheetos established brand voice (fun, bold, smart-ass) and the student demographic, I used college urban language such as ‘Say what?!  You heard right, terms such as ‘hunger-busters’, ‘comfort-munchers’ and ‘hitting the books’, and ‘Gotta share the love, It’s the Cheeto’s way’ to incorporate the invitation to share on Facebook whilst also adding warmth, trust and a ‘feel good’ connotation.

The term ‘right there for you’ also further infuses the brand with warmth and ‘legendary’ solidifies the well-established brand reputation.

‘Crunch time’ provides urgency for the time-limited offer and ties in with the theme.

Benefits are clear whilst also consistent with tone ie comfort ‘on demand’, ‘no late night snack-dash’ and saving ‘a whole lotta’ savings. Both the form and the Facebook sharing deliverables have been included.

I collaborated with graphic designer: Sezvo-ndinemwi M'pfunya